MC Week is great and all for celebrating the various cultures present at MSJ, but let's not overlook the biggest benefit to upperclassmen: the 1 hour, 8 minute lunch period. Compared to lunch's usual 36 minute interval, lunch during MC Week is the opportune time to venture out to previously unreachable lunch destinations and still have time to eat. For example, Monday I went to In-n-Out, and yesterday I went to Chik Fil A. Say what you want about my "lack of support for our school's clubs and traditions," but a majority of seniors (and a large contingent of other classes I'm sure of as well) don't even eat MC Week food, either because of their sky-high prices or, like me, they crave the opportunity to actually enjoy eating out instead of rushing to and back to school. The new ticket system is also an unnecessarily circumvented method to pay for food to prevent possible embezzlement from clubs and/or individuals. Honestly, seniors going out for lunch is just as big of a story as everyone else staying at school to buy overpriced, under-portioned food. True, the previous three years, I hailed MC Week for the variety of food compared to the prison-quality cafeteria food and for shortened classes and longer lunch, but the real highlight, if any, of MC week is the assembly we have on Friday. Everything really builds up to that. But as I have already survived 3 MC Weeks at MSJ, here is the accurate story of MC Week for most seniors as well as for me: a fifteen to twenty minute drive out to a restaurant, having the time to dine in and enjoy the food, and the car drive back to campus. All because of those extra 32 minutes.
I like how you explain why you prefer to eat out than at multicultural week.